US Locality Domain

You have arrived at this site because the usTLD Locality domain you are searching for has been assigned to the Administrator of the usTLD, Registry Services, LLC, to manage.

If you are the owner of this Domain Name or wish to find out more information on how to register, please contact us at the following:

Registry Services, LLC
usTLD Customer Support
+1 (480) 651-9999

Hours of Operation
24 hours per day, 7 days per week

usTLD Locality Information and Questions
Information and Frequently Asked Questions about usTLD Locality Domains and Delegated Managers are posted on the website. Click here to view them.

Learn more about the usTLD

View All .US is the web address for American dreams of all kinds. View All

Stats & Trends

As new users are using new devices from disparate locations around the world to access the Internet, this has resulted in an increased load and demand for critical assets.

Policies & Governance

.US can be registered by any individual, business, blog or organization that is a citizen of, or licensed in, the USA. In addition, .US may be registered by foreign...

Meet the Stakeholder Council

Increase visibility for your business with online local listing services; publish to 100+ local search platforms, mobile applications, navigation systems, and directories at one time - from one place.

Meet the Stakeholder Council

Increase visibility for your business with online local listing services; publish to 100+ local search platforms, mobile applications, navigation systems, and directories at one time - from one place.

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This Should Show The Latest Post From The News Category

April 13

When starting a business, there’s one important factor that often comes as an afterthought...

6 Minute Read

Here are a few quick links for learning more about the .US top-level domain.

Here are a few quick links for learning more about the .US top-level domain.


.US Domains


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